Eighth International Conference on
Analytical Approaches to World Musics (AAWM 2024)
June 10–14, 2024
University of Bologna, Italy

The year 2024 marks the eighth instalment of the AAWM International Biennial Conference series. Exploration of the rich musical heritage of the world continues to receive increasing attention from a broad array of theoretical, cultural, historical, psychological, empirical, informatics, and analytical perspectives. Analytical Approaches to World Musics 2024 brings together scholars to explore the panoply of global musical traditions, both past and present, that lie outside the purview of European Art Music in order to foster interdisciplinary and cross-cultural dialogue and promote new approaches and methods.

In place of the traditional keynote lectures, the meeting will include a number of special panel sessions and roundtables, provisionally titled:
Analytical Approaches to Timbre
Pedagogy for Analysis of World Musics
Innovative Approaches to Notation
Analytical Perspectives on Italian Traditional Music Practices
Carang Pring Wulung: Analyzing Calung Music from Banyumas (Central Java) through the Filmic Medium
(film screening and conversation with director Daniele Zappatore)

AAWM 2024 will be held as a hybrid event with options for both onsite and remote participation.

Graduate students and scholars within five years of receiving the PhD will be considered for the Rob Schultz Junior Scholar Award, established in 2016 to honor the memory of the co-founder of the Analytical Approaches to World Music journal and conference series. The best paper presented by a junior scholar will be published in the journal, and the author will also receive a modest cash award.

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Andrew Killick (University of Sheffield, UK), Polina Proutskova (BBC/QMUL, UK)

Organizing Committee
Lorenzo Chiarofonte (DAMSLab and University of Bologna, Italy),
Lawrence Shuster (Cornell University, USA)
Tiffany Nicely (Buffalo State University, USA)
Eshantha Peiris (University of British Columbia, Canada)
James Morford (University of Washington, USA)
Jane Piper Clendinning (Florida State University, USA)

Local Arrangements Committee
Lorenzo Chiarofonte (DAMSLab and University of Bologna, Italy)
Nicola Renzi (DAMSLab and University of Bologna, Italy)

Please direct any questions to aawm2024bologna@gmail.com.

L’evento è inserito nel programma ADUIM 30, promosso dall’Associazione fra Docenti
Universitari Italiani di Musica in occasione dei trent’anni dalla sua nascita (1994-2024).

Laboratorio Interdisciplinare sulla Musica
Università degli Studi di Cagliari